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An employee of the European Union (EU) institutions who has joined the EU pension scheme has the right to request to transfer his or her pension capital accrued in Latvia to the EU pension scheme, as well as to request the transfer of pension capital accrued in the EU pension scheme to the mandatory pension insurance system of the State of Latvia.


The transfer of the Latvian pension capital to the EU pension scheme and the receipt of the accumulated pension capital of the EU pension scheme shall be ensured by the SSIA in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 of 29 February 1968 laying down the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No 259/68) and 2008). Cabinet Regulation No. 1023 of 16 December, Regulations on the Transfer and Receiving of Retirement Capital of the European Union Pension Scheme.


The pension capital accrued in the State mandatory pension insurance system to be transferred to the EU pension scheme shall be formed from:


1) starting capital (unfunded pension capital for the period up to 21.12.1995)


2) Pension capital registered by the SSIA (unfunded pension capital for the period from 01.01.1996.)


3) State funded pension capital.


If a member of the EU institutions wants the pension capital accumulated in the Latvian State pension system to be transferred to the EU pension scheme, he or she should make this request by addressing the EU institution unit that coordinates the pension issues of EU officials. . Upon receiving a request from the EU institution regarding the employee's willingness to transfer the Latvian pension capital to the EU pension scheme, the VSAA will initiate the procedure for transferring the pension capital. U. In case of a positive solution to the procedure, the Latvian pension capital of the person concerned is transferred to the EU pension scheme. . This person will be paid out of the EU pension scheme by working in the EU institution for the years necessary to grant his pension and fulfilling the other conditions laid down in Regulation No 259/68.


An employee who has ceased his or her job in the EU institutions which have worked for less than the necessary years in order to acquire pension rights due to participation in the EU pension scheme may request the transfer of the accumulated EU pension capital to the Latvian State pension system. . Also in this case, a request for the transfer of EU pension capital to the Latvian State pension system should be expressed by addressing the EU institution department coordinating the pension issue of EU officials s. Upon receiving a request from the EU institution regarding the employee's willingness to transfer the pension capital accrued in the EU pension scheme to the Latvian pension scheme, the VSAA will initiate the procedure for receiving the pension capital. . In case of a positive solution to the procedure, the EU pension capital of the interested party is transferred to the Latvian pension scheme I. After receiving EU pension capital, the VSAA registers it in the mandatory pension insurance system of the State of Latvia, which will be taken into account when determining the right to the Latvian pension.