Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
Receiving restrictions

The State Social Insurance Agency (SSIA) refunds to socially insured persons the overpaid mandatory or voluntary State social insurance contributions exceeding EUR 22.41 and made during the previous calendar year. If the overpaid contributions do not reach EUR 22.41, they shall be accumulated and repaid after the end of the calendar year in which they reached EUR 22.41.

SSIA shall calculate the overpaid contributions for the previous calendar year until April 1 of the following year, informing thereon the person, and after receiving an application from the person shall be transfer these contributions to the account of the beneficiary's credit institution or postal settlement system.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    To request the service, you must fill in for a particular form submission addressed to the SSIA.
    May submit a submission:
    • on the portal;
    • on-site (if requested for service, a personal identification document (passport or ID card) must be produced);
    • electronically (the application must be signed with a secure electronic signature containing the time stamp);
    • by post.
    An application may be submitted in person to any VSAA customer service centre or to the unified customer service centres of the State and local governments.

    The submission shall indicate the preferred method of receiving the decision.

  2. Receipt of services
    A decision on the reimbursement of overpaid contributions may be received:
    - the official electronic address if it is activated;
    - on the portal;
    - face-to-face;
    - by post.
    According to the type of receipt of the decision indicated in the application.