Ukrainas karogs un uzturēšanās atļaujas dokuments

For Ukrainian civilians whose long-term visas and residence permits were issued until 31 December 2022 and then automatically extended without personal involvement until 4 March 2025, a new valid residence permit must be obtained to continue to be eligible for the services of the State Social Insurance Agency (SSIA) after 4 March 2025, as provided for in the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians.

The application for extension of the residence permit must be submitted to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

The services of the SSIA will be continued once the information on the valid residence permit issued to the person in Latvia is received from the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA). The person does not have to visit the SSIA as the information is exchanged electronically.

The services of the SSIA established by the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians

  • childcare benefit,
  • State family allowance,
  • State social security benefit in case of old age,
  • support for children with coeliac disease (within the time limit specified in the statement from the gastroenterologist),
  • disability-related benefits (supplement to the State family allowance for a child with a disability, a childcare benefit for a child with a disability, an allowance for a person with disabilities whom care is necessary, in case of disability for State social security benefit)

Information from the OCMA:, consultation phone: (+371) 67209400.